Week 3 -An old milestone again

It has been a relatively good week – All remnants of the illness finally disappeared during the week and the boy is sleeping better….marginally.

I haven’t managed to get to the gym this week or do any exercise which is starting to annoy me – I find with exercise its very difficult to gain fitness and see improvements but very easy to lose those gains. The illnesses have a part to play as does the busier lifestyle at home – however, that being said, I know I need to find the time to get back into it as soon as possible.

I had two successful fast days this week – the minimum I want to achieve so a success to some extent. We have also eaten well during my non-fast days – one day having meatballs, pumpkin mash, broccoli, courgettes and runner beans – a non fast day meal that was spectacularly healthy.

Just a short blog this week so will quickly get onto results…



LAST WEEK              16ST 2lbs

TODAY………………..15ST 13.5lbs

So a weight loss of 2.5 lbs great considering no exercise and just my minimum 2 fast days… really pleased.

I’m sure there is a change in muscle/fat ratio so I need to get to the gym to weigh myself on the machine that gives me those details but pleased my actual weight is back below 16 stone. As that’s the case its time for some milestone pictures (should do these every 1/2 a stone lost!!!). 3 pictures of each –

  1. My lowest weight before stopping the blog last time.
  2. My restart pics
  3. My pic now.



So still some way to go and I think I can notice the difference from lack of gym work… so time to crack on with the next week!


Week 2 – Have I restarted well?

It goes without saying that my restart would be met will full confidence and an attitude to succeed. There would be no point restarting if that wasn’t the case – the only way I would have failed is if something hampered me … like getting ill….. WELL

I got ill….

No excuses here – I picked up a chest infection on Friday and only really managed to clear it today. That being said I still did my best to fast – I just didn’t exercise at all!!!

So having wrote the blog Wednesday I wasn’t sure if I was going to fast Thursday – as it was we went shopping in Kingston which meant breakfast at The Terrace – a restaurant/sandwich shop which is always packed – made good choices though by not having butter on my toast and having scrambled eggs and black coffee. That evening we were to see my parents for the first time in 4 weeks courtesy of them going on a long cruise round the Caribbean (alright for some) we all went out for dinner.

Friday I fasted – more shopping – this time to Windsor and just a black coffee whilst out. My chest infection had kept me up a bit the night before so on returning to our home town I left the wife shopping and came home for a few hours sleep. I woke and picked our daughter up from school and we all met in town. We walked past ‘the Thai place’ (see last weeks post) and I had a chicken stick – just some marinated chicken breast on a skewer BBQd. We came home and had fajitas for dinner … no alcohol though and I’m under my 600 kcal mark… GREAT STUFF.

Saturday and Sunday were standard fare for our household. Breakfast was egg on toast – swimming Saturday morning with our daughter and relaxed for most the rest of the day – needed as I still felt rubbish. Sunday we went out for dinner with friends. Our restaurant of choice was The Leftbank at The Runnymede Hotel. It’s not cheap but the food is amazing – I think I may have spoken about it during my earlier posts but essentially it is an eat as much as you like affair – a big table of starters (salads, breads, cheeses, soups, fish etc. followed by a carver roast – Rib of beef for me – and then a separate big table of desserts (which I limited myself to just a few spoonfuls) – a great meal with great friends.

Monday I was back at work for the fist time in 2 weeks. I didn’t eat all day – and probably didn’t need to after the feast the day before. Dinner was cottage pie – made with sweet potato mash.

I still had the tail end of the illness on Monday – in fact I am writing this Wednesday evening and have only felt better today – so really pleased with how the week has gone considering.

To take stock – a few really good meals out with family and friends, an annoying illness that resulted in no exercise, a couple of successful fast days and a fair amount of walking shopping….. To Tuesdays weigh in!!!!



LAST WEEK              16ST 5lbs

TODAY………………..16st 2lbs


Week 1a…. Where have I been? Has it all gone wrong? Time to Look Forward!!!

So a full 28 weeks after my last post I am back. That’s over half a year!!!

I thought about why I stopped with my blog and have various reasons that I will come to – as well as reasons for why I have decided to start again now.

For some reason last night I decided to re-read my blog – there was a lot that made me smile and I felt quite sad how I had failed to continue with it. I finished the week after my boys golf weekend last April – maybe the successes of that weekend went to my head!

So what has life delivered for me since then….

Looking back over my blog a number of things stood out – obviously the diet as well as my gym sessions. The other constant was my wifes’ ongoing pregnancy. Thinking about the last six months that’s where I would like to start – partly because it has been a small yet significant part of why I have neglected this.

April and May as well as the early part of June saw my wife getting bigger and more pregnant. I continued with the fasting diet relatively well over this time as well as going to the gym but none of that now was my primary concern. I realised once the baby came my chances of getting to the gym may be limited so I carried on working out fairly hard – this picture is from May 28th, 6 weeks after my blog stopped. I may not have been writing about it but I was still working at it.


Brenda was off work all of June, part annual leave leading into maternity leave, this ‘nesting’ period generally meant slow walks into town, eating out, working in the garden and maybe watching box sets. She was having a planned  C-Section on 22nd June, it really took the guessing out of the birthing process and everything was just working towards that date.

My son was born at 10:15 am and perfectly healthy. He and Brenda stayed in the hospital that night and were released late Tuesday. We now have 2 children and the dynamics of our lives have changed massively… as you can imagine.

When we had just one baby in the house, and you had a tough night, you could sleep at some point the next day – with a baby and a 4 year old that option is generally out of the question. Our daughter was great when young and slept through the night, most of the time, from 6 weeks old. My son however, now at 4 1/2 months, is still up for a midnight feed as well as various times for general comfort throughout the early hours. One or two nights like this is easily dealt with, but the cumulative effect after weeks and months is tough. I have likened it to what I imagine mild depression to be like. Suddenly you don’t want to exercise or diet!!!!! Sometimes all you want is to eat breakfast, a lunch out or a takeaway. Often the logistics of leaving your wife to look after both children so you can spend an hour or two in the gym is out of the question – and when you have missed one or two sessions it becomes easier to miss another than the pain of starting up again.

It hasn’t all been bad however.

Whilst my religious 2 or 3 fast days and 4 gym sessions have gone completely out of the window since June they haven’t disappeared entirely. I have still been in the gym on the odd occasion, and been for a few runs. I have also been picking up 2 or 3 fast days a fortnight. I may have gone a week here and there not fasting at all but have generally done something each week.

Also our general eating has been quite good. Whilst I say I have had breakfast most days it is usually with good choices. I no longer have butter on my toast, my eggs are poached not fried, our lunches out are usually to the Thai ‘place’ in Staines market enjoying a curry, takeaways are either kebabs (which used to be a fast day meal) or Japanese sushi. When we cook at home it has also been very healthy using ‘superfoods’ (thanks Jamie Oliver). I have mentioned how good a cook my wife is and she has been making some great dinners.

Of course, being the summer, we spent a lot of time in the garden BBQ-ing – I have intimated before how this is a great way to cook meat as the fat drips down into the fire – not poaching the meat in it.

We also planted a lot of veg in the garden… these have given us a multitude of good clean fresh veg.

IMG_2486 IMG_0030

So to recap – I haven’t been religious about the diet – but I haven’t been particularly bad either!!!

So why now to restart the diet – no reason really – better to start now than next week – In a way I wish I had started last week or last month but I had to be ready otherwise I wouldn’t have stuck it out like I want to. Oh, and in seven week I fly off to South Africa for a fortnight.

Previously I had been fasting on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Wednesdays and Fridays are market days so the Thai ‘place’ will be there – I don’t want to commit to fasting when it will be too hard seeing how I enjoy their food so much. So my plan will be 3 fast days a week, all working around work and family life. I may now fast over weekends, whereas I didn’t previously and may even do some fast days back to back. The way I’m looking at it…..

7 weeks till my holiday = 21 fast days

As far as exercise is concerned – I will try to gym as much as possible but sleep deprivation may get in the way – I have been running a couple of time recently – no more than two miles so far so less than 20 minutes – this will become my fall back option if I can’t take the gym as its much easier on the wife that I am not disappearing for hours. We are also walking lots – we have the bizarre advantage that my son doesn’t like his car seat so we tend to walk most places.

So after all that my new weigh in!!!!

Weight on April 22nd …. 15st 12.5lbs

Todays weight…….            16st 5lbs

So a 6 1/2 lb weight gain. Less than half a stone – not bad all things considered.

Of course weight isn’t everything and I am aware I have lost some toning but my previous topless and black shirts pics against my ones I have just taken show some slippage but nothing irreparable.



So here goes…. take two, my diet rebirth, getting beach body ready!!!

I hope you forgive me for disappearing and are happy to continue my journey with me once again.
